
How To Get Yourself Out Of A Funk


How To Get Yourself Out Of A Funk

Hi everyone! So excited to share this one with you! If you are a frequent listener of my podcast, WITH WHIT, (and you should be 😉 ) then you know Life & Spirituality Coach, Ryan Haddon! I had Ryan on in June this year and she is just the best. When I spoke with her I was in such a funk and she totally helped me get myself out of the hole I was getting in.
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Creating a Love Bank


Creating a Love Bank

Hi! As you have probably noticed, I am spending a lot of time talking about self-care on most my platforms – here, my Instagram and podcast, WITH WHIT. My mental health is a priority. I really want to pass on everything I am learning in hopes that something I am trying and hearing might help you too. Plus, sharing also holds me accountable to keep up the work!
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New Year, New Morning Skincare Routine!


New Year, New Morning Skincare Routine!

Hi! We got through 2020! Shine!! I am kicking 2021 off with my morning skincare ritual that I created during quarantine. It is the best way to start my day. I feel clean, refreshed, rejuvenated, ready to face the day…all the things! I swear by all of the products I use. Some are a little bit of a splurge, so I recommend buying just one of the expensive ones.
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How to Find Peace During Times of High Stress


How to Find Peace During Times of High Stress

Hi! This week definitely feels lighter than last week but it’s definitely still not very light. Ugh, I hate being so negative but I also am just a realist.  From the pandemic to the election and everything in between…I know I am not alone when I say I have a rollercoaster of emotions. I am trying to take each day one at a time. Moment by moment. That is easier said than done sometimes. So, I am also making sure to give myself patience, extra love and shine, because I know I am doing my best each day…each moment. 
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How We Unwind Every Night 


How We Unwind Every Night 

Hi Everyone, It feels like overnight all of our lives changed drastically. Quarantine was definitely a shock to our family’s system. We went through many phases of coping. The beginning was filled with so much anxiety fueled by fear of the virus, uncertainty and feeling trapped at home. Before too long, we quickly realized we needed to start truly taking care of ourselves – mentally and physically.
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Remember, Take Care of Yourself


Remember, Take Care of Yourself

Hi Guys, I am always preaching about how important self-care is. I hope you’re not sick of it. It is SO important. Especially now. There is a lot of chaos happening in our country. We are in the thick of the biggest civil rights movement of our lifetime while continuing to face a pandemic. It is crucial we pay attention to ourselves, so we can stay mentally and physically healthy and grounded. It is more important than ever that we are in tune with what we need to approach life standing on level ground both physically and mentally. During these … Continued
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Giving and Receiving: Balanced Living in Unbalanced Times


Giving and Receiving: Balanced Living in Unbalanced Times

Hi,  As a mom, you feel an overwhelming responsibility to put your loved ones needs before your own and if you don’t you feel guilty about it. However, I have quickly learned that this is not productive for anyone. We have to take care of ourselves in order to be at our best to help others. That is self-care 101 right there. Right now, this is especially hard to do because it seems so selfish, but it is important to make ourselves an equal priority.
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My QUICK Morning Skincare Routine


My QUICK Morning Skincare Routine

Hi guys! Skincare is such an important part of my self care routine, especially in the morning! Mornings are my favorite time of day, because it’s when I have the chance to get prepared and set the tone for what I want my day to look like. Timmy and Sonny are usually preoccupied watching morning TV, so I have a couple extra minutes to get ready which is really all you need for this process. A lot of you have been asking me what my morning skincare routine is…I thought it would easiest (and more fun!) if I show you.
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Me Time


Me Time

Hi! Right now, my day to day schedule is really crazy. Sonny is two years old and in school so he now has a more complex schedule that I need to incorporate into my own. Additionally, I have so many new and wonderful things happening in my career. All this to be said, I am busy, and it is so easy for me to get lost in the chaos of my daily schedule.
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I Haven't Been Sleeping


I Haven't Been Sleeping

Hi guys! A few days ago, I mentioned on Instagram that I have not been sleeping well at all. I am up for several hours just waiting to fall asleep which turns into anxiety.
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