
Creating a Love Bank


Creating a Love Bank

Hi! As you have probably noticed, I am spending a lot of time talking about self-care on most my platforms – here, my Instagram and podcast, WITH WHIT. My mental health is a priority. I really want to pass on everything I am learning in hopes that something I am trying and hearing might help you too. Plus, sharing also holds me accountable to keep up the work!
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How Self-Compassion Helps Us Cope with Uncertainty


How Self-Compassion Helps Us Cope with Uncertainty

Hi, Loving yourself can be one of the hardest things to do. Why is that? We can be our worst enemies at the flip of a switch. I know for me, if something doesn’t go as I planned or hoped, I am quick to point the finger at myself. It must have been something I did or said. I should’ve handled the situation differently. No. Stop. We HAVE to be our biggest cheerleaders. That phrase people say is 100% true…”treat yourself like you would treat your best friend.” We have to emotionally be there for ourselves especially in times like … Continued
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