
WITH WHIT: This is Your Superpower


I don’t know exactly what it is, but I am working on myself more than ever. I’mnot sure if it’s my age, becoming a mom, being married for 5 years, quarantine or just all of it, but I am on the mission to be the happiest, most productive and calm I can be. Last week, I talked to Kelsey Murphy, Business and Life Coach, on my podcast, WITH WHIT and she helped me put into words everything I was feeling, thinking and wanting to get better at. Isn’t it the best when you can connect to someone who speaks your language? 

During our chat, we discussed how to battle that negative internal dialogue we all struggle with when we feel anxious and overwhelmed. She explained that by creating a Three Year Manifesto of your dream life you can prioritize what is most important to you in your life and business. Kelsey has worked with Fortune 500 companies, like Facebook & Twitter, industry thought leaders like Marie Forleo and her BSchoolers, as well as celebrity nutritionists, coaches, and other brilliant people creating meaningful businesses and lives. Her coaching work has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Huffington Post, LiveStrong, Living Healthy, and more. When Kelsey’s not coaching, you can find her hosting the Whiskey & Work podcast giving her wise (and sometimes comical) advice on navigating the waters of business, life, and relationships. She’s AMAZING.

Below you will find an essay on your superpower and more tips from Kelsey!






A follow-up conversation to the podcast “Kelsey Murphy, Business & Life Coach, Shares How To Learn & Prioritize What Is Most Important To You”


Why am I so emotional? Why can’t I have more patience? Why can’t I keep this damn bathroom clean? This is the internal dialogue of every working mom right now.

With each passing minute, we find another way to #momfail. Sure, we used to have dedicated screen time hours & healthy snacks at 3 pm, but now it’s a damn free-for-all & dear-lord it’s only snack time?!?!

The days are long, the nights are short, and this year is never-ending.  But I want you to remember, in case you haven’t been told lately…

You’re doing a great job.

I know – your kitchen is a mess.  But every minute you spent “not cleaning” today was another minute spent with that toddler who needs you so much right now. I know it wasn’t easy, but you did the right thing.

And I know, I know – you haven’t’ worked out in ages.  But that body of yours birthed a tiny human… I promise it can handle a little extra rest during this season of chaos. Let. It. Rest.

And I know – you’re moody, impatient, and can cry at the drop of a hat.  Guess what, all those big feelings, the ones that swell up inside your heart, are the same exact ones that make you able to love so hard, so big, and so. damn. much.

The very things we wish we could change about ourselves are the things that our kids, our partners, and our friends love about us the most.

You are emotional… and that’s what makes you care.

You are messy… and that’s what makes you fun.

You are tired… and that’s because you gave it all you had today.

You are going a great job.

I know there are things you wish you could change about yourself.

You wish you we were more organized, more patient, more productive.

You wish you were less emotional, less moody, less boring.

But please, in case we haven’t told you lately, those very things you wish you could change, are the things we love the most about you.

Your mess makes your fun.

Your mess makes you creative,

Your mess makes you human.

This is your superpower. 

Wish you were less emotional? Stop.

Your emotions make you compassionate.

Your emotions make you thoughtful.

Your emotions make you able to love…. at a level that the world needs right now.

That is your superpower. 

You have many gifts, Mama. So. Many.

How emotional you are, your ability to leave the kitchen dirty, your ability to love up on that incredible body.

But your biggest superpower… is that you care.

You care so dang much that it hurts.

You care so dang much that you’re always wanting to do better.

But today I want you to realize, that you don’t need to do better.

What you’re doing is enough… it’s, actually, more than enough.

It’s amazing.

You’re showing up, and you do this, time and time again.

You are there… for her, for him, for them.

And they know it.

They know they can count on you.

They know you will always be there.

You have built something incredible, and with each waking minute that you decide to get out of bed and show up, you are nurturing and growing the very thing you care about the most.

You are doing it… and you’re doing a great job.

Xx, Kelsey

Tips To Be A Happier & More Organized Mama

In case you’re like me and need a few tangible “action items” to get going, here are guaranteed ways… yes, I said it… guaranteed ways to make you happier and more productive.  Want to go deeper? Come say hi at KelseyMurphy.com. 

  1. 10 Things To Celebrate – Your new nightly ritual is to write down 10 things you did that you’re proud of. This is not about gratitude, it’s about celebration. Your job, as a mama who wants to be resilient, energized, and happy is to train your brain to recognize all the amazing things you did during the day, before jumping into the “still needs to get done” list for tomorrow.  Do this, just one time, and DM me on IG to tell me how it felt.  I promise you, it’s going to change your life.
  2. 3 Year Manifesto – Get out of the weeds and start getting clear on what you want life to look like in 3 years. I’m talking about the most epic, honest, clarified vision, written down in your beautiful planner that’ll be your guidepost for every single daily to-do list.  If you need a guided visualization to help you create this, grab mine here.
  3. Schedule The Giggles – My 3 Year Manifesto is packed with comedy date nights with the hubs and morning giggles with my toddler. But, you know that none of that is going to happen unless it’s on my calendar. So…  I kid you not… I have an iCal reminding me every morning to take 10-minutes and laugh with my daughter and it has changed the way I start every single day.  If you want something to show up in your life (and life is busy) schedule it.  You can find out how I plan my days here.
  4. Let Go Of Perfection – If there is nothing else you take away from all of these tips, it’s to let go of perfection and remember… you’re doing a great job.  This is simply one season of your life, and it will pass before you know it. Embrace each moment and never forget, that no matter how hard you are on yourself, internally, that there is a whole boatload of people grateful & head over heels in love with you for simply showing up. Never forget, you’re doing a great job.


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