
Feeding And Newborn Necessities My Sister Is Using And Loving


This week, my younger sister, Paige, joined me on my podcast, WITH WHIT! She is a brand new mom and shared her experience of life in quarantine with a newborn. Moms or soon to be moms…I highly recommend you listen! She gives some amazing insight that I hope will help you with any anxiety you might be having. 

AND we are back with more of Paige’s Picks! Below you will find her go-to new mom resources and feeding and newborn necessities she is using and loving! Stay tuned for things she thinks you should have around the house and nursery!

Listen to the full episode wherever you listen to your podcasts! (Below are links to Spotify and Apple Podcasts)

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1fNBp33ZDSJGqpnn8MRblJ

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/staying-home-whit-my-little-sister-paige-orells-new/id1462706458?i=1000474312876





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